
The study's objectives were to: 1) determine the effect of Micro Teaching and practical field experience on motivation to become a student teacher for prospective PAI PTKIN teachers in North Sumatra, and 2) determine the direct effect of Micro Teaching and practical field experience on self-efficacy as a student teacher for prospective PAI teachers in PTKIN Se North Sumatra. This is a quantitative study with an ex post facto research design. The analytical strategy is a quantitative descriptive analysis with four variables to be investigated: (1) Micro Teaching Implementation, (2) Practical Field Experience, (3) Motivation to Become a Teacher and (4) Self-Efficacy. Based on the study's findings, the following conclusions were reached: 1) there is a strong relationship between Micro Teaching and Motivation to Become a Teacher (Y), students who are serious about implementing micro teaching will increase their motivation to become a teacher; 2) the implementation of PPL sufficiently influences student motivation to become teachers; 3) the variable that most influences Self-Efficacy is the Implementation of PPL; 4) the variable Motive is the variable that most influences Self-Efficacy.