Determination Teacher Performance Through Digital Literacy: Emotional Intelligence and Competency

Desi Permata Sari(1),
(1) Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang  Indonesia

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The purpose of this exploration is to examine the effect of emotional intelligence on competence. This research also examines how digital literacy plays a role in media and emotional intelligence and empowerment. The method used to describe. This research included teachers as subjects. Sampling decisions in this study used random sampling. This research used primary data (questionnaires) from 253 teachers interviewed. The method used is structural equation modeling analysis with partial least squares (PLS). This research shows teacher performance, emotional intelligence, competence and digital literacy as constructs and reliability with the lowest coefficient of 0.6 and Cronbach's alpha above 0.7. This study shows that emotional intelligence and skills have a significant impact on teacher performance. Other research shows that emotional intelligence and skills have a great impact on digital literacy, and digital literacy hasan impact on the schoolteacher's performance.  There is a significant influence of digital literacy in mediating emotional intelligence on teacher performance. Furthermore, digital literacy influences and significantly mediates competency on teacher performance.


Emotional Intelligence; Competence; Teacher Performance; Digital Literacy.


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